Credits: UvA Science beeldbank

The “Buurtbudget”: how can computerscience help?

Spreker: Simon Rey (ILLC) |Engels| 14:45 - 15:30 | C0.05 The buurtbudget, known as participatory budgeting in English, is a democratic process aiming at involving citizens in public spending decisions. In several neighborhoods of Amsterdam, residents already can vote for community-driven projects to be paid for from public funds. However, organizing this process is not straightforward, especially when it comes to making a decision based on the ballots that have been submitted. During this talk, we will see why some natural procedures to determine the winning projects suffer major drawbacks and how to circumvent those drawbacks.

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Datum en tijd

Woensdag, 10 februari, 2021
Van 14:45 tot 15:30

Naam organisatie

FNWI Amsterdam Science Park

Soort activiteit



Alle leeftijden - activiteiten ook geschikt voor ouders en grootouders


Gratis / Aanmelden




Woensdag, 10 februari, 2021
Van 14:45 tot 15:30


FNWI 904
1098 XH Amsterdam


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Centrum JongerenCommunicatie Chemie laat kinderen en jongeren kennismaken met chemie en life sciences zodat ze hun talenten hierin kunnen ontdekken.